Rain, Rain, Rain, and more rain!! BUT, the hoards of baitfish (squid & sand eels) have shown up in droves and with them came the Striped Bass &Bluefish. Fluke fishing is definitely up from last year even though there has been some off days, but that can be expected for all species all over the world. After a skimpy Bluefish season last year it's good to see the
biomass in good shape. The first fish to arrive on the scene were the juvenile Bluefish & Striped Bass as usual. Now the bigger legal sized fish are here providing great Diamond Jig action all around the point. The Elbow, Slot, Great Eastern, & the Porgy lump. Simply set up a drift up tide from where you mark the fish on your Fathometer and drop the diamond jig to the bottom crank 5 turns slow then 5 turns fast, then drop it back down to the bottom and repeat the process. Eventually you'll have to wind all the way up and start again. Great fun on light tackle, especially if you hook into a surprise 30-40 pound Striped Bass!!!The Porgy have finally showed up on the scene, all around the point and on the south side you should have no problem finding them. Remember, BlackSea Bass opens on June 23rd. The bag limit is 3 per person at 15 inches. Same as last year, unless otherwise notified.
This year there is a new tournament for the youth anglers, 16 years old and under. It's called "Montauk Youth Fluke Tournament" It will run the entire Fluke season. Entry fee is $25.00 and there will be winnings from 1st through 5th place. Registration can be made at the Viking Dock ticket booth, and the cut-off for entries will be on July 1st. The Charter fleet of Montauk have made donations to cover a donation to a local charity in the winners name.
I take a lot of Families with their children, and it's great to see the excitement and smiles on their faces when they catch a nice fish. Teach a kid to fish and you teach them a skill and hobby they can do for the rest of their life, and then, pass it on to their children!!!! Way more enjoyment than a video game, and you get food!!! LOL
Things are shaping up fast out here on the east end, get your gear ready because it's time!!!!
Hope all the Father's had a Happy Fathers Day!!
Tight Lines,
Capt. Skip
Facebook: Adios Charters